![info22x Dominic Scott](https://wppsindia.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/info22x.jpg)
- The Wheat Products Promotion Society is commonly referred to as WPPS.
- In the year 1987, leaders of the organized wheat based industries joined hands for the purpose of setting up an Apex Body which could stimulate the growth and development of all wheat based industries. The WPPS represents
– Roller Flour Millers’ Federation of India,
– Society of Indian Bakers
– Federation of Biscuit Manufactures of India
– All India Bread Manufacturers Association
– A number of Regional Flour Mills and Bakery Association.
As such various trade and technical organizations got together and formed the WPPS. In short, the WPPS has been engaged to
- achieve technical up gradation of wheat based industries;
- improve efficiency, productivity and quality of such foods;
- obtain higher production levels,
- develop human resources and infuse expertise both for domestic as well as export markets;
- stimulate demand and promote consumption both traditional and non traditional wheat based foods; and
- take effective steps for development of cereal products of better quality and higher nutritive values.
- Promote fortified wheat based products.
based industries.
WPPS has been working closely with number of International organization including Canadian International Grain Institute (CIGI), U.S. Wheat Associates; Indian Operative Millers’ Association’ (IAOM); etc. for last several years.